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Garry Bradbury
Eric Bridgeman
Agatha Gothe-Snape
Nicolas Jasmin + Alexander Jackson Wyatt
Philip Gudthaykudthay
Emma Langridge
Agnes Martin
Kerrie Poliness
(courtesy Anna Schwartz Gallery)
4 — 26 February 2017
Opening performance 4 February
Garry Bradbury and Ian Andrews
Garry Bradbury
Eric Bridgeman
Agatha Gothe-Snape
Nicolas Jasmin + Alexander Jackson Wyatt
Philip Gudthaykudthay
Emma Langridge
Agnes Martin
Kerrie Poliness
(courtesy Anna Schwartz Gallery)
4 — 26 February 2017
Opening performance 4 February
Garry Bradbury and Ian Andrews
Alexander Jackson Wyatt, Nicolas Jasmin, I was moved into a spacious new room, Salt Museum, 2016
Video Installation, single channel digital video projection
Garry Bradbury, assorted works, 2017
Agnes Martin, Suite Stedelijk, 1990
Lithograph on vellum
10 parts, 30.5 x 30.5 cm
Edition of 2500. Published by Nemela & Lenzen GMbH, Monchengladback & Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, printed by Lecturis Eindhoven.
Philip Gudthaykudthay, Guryunmirringa landscape, mintji design, 1983
Earth pigments on Stringybark (Eucalyptus sp.)
70 × 40 cm
Eric Bridgeman, The Fight, 2010
HD video, 16:9
Duration 8:10
Eric Bridgeman, War shield, Aiyre Maynei, Wisimei village, Kerawagi district, Simbu, Papua New Guinea
Wood, cassowary feathers, pecked and painted designs and traces of Rickets Blue Soap Powder
160 x 63 cm
Emma Langridge, Plenum, 2014
Enamel/acrylic on wood
8 parts, 40 x 70 cm each
Kerrie Poliness
Agatha Gothe-Snape, 10 minute text impro, 2012
A4 digital prints
8 parts, 47 x 38 cm each